Global Trade Expert Global Trade Expert  •  Thomas Werdelmann
SAP GTM Global Trade Management  •  SAP GTS Global Trade Services
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GTM: Association / Portfolio Management

In a two sided trading contract each item is fixed linked between sales side and purchase side. All information of purchase and sales are mutually available in each item, because this is a fixed 1:1 relationship.

But this is not the case for a single sided TC, because this is just a pure TC for purchase or sales! The other side of each is unknown!

SAP GTM provides for single sided TCs with the association an opportunity, to create a quantity depending link between the items of purchase orders and sales orders. In contrast to a two sided TC, an item can be linked with several other items, what makes a M:N relationship possible. An item of a sales order can be linked to more than one purchase items and also the other way around.

GTM:  Association

The association is possible at various points in the logistics process, for example not only when creating or changing a TC. Also it is possible to change or delete a link again, until the logistic process is not finished. GTM will propose appropriate association partner in the TC and later as well. This can be triggered automatically or manually.

For example, with the association you can reduce the inventory risk for the purchase side, and for the sales side you can ensure a timely procurement or use it for profit calculation.
The document flow also shows which other documents have been linked to the current document via the association.

GTM:  Association


The basis for finding a suitable association partner is the portfolio. In a portfolio you define, which products belong together. This may be groups of products, or even just the individual product by itself. The portfolio is set of master data in the portfolio management.

GTM: Assiciation - Portfolio